For Manufacturers And Importers

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Established over ten years ago, J.J. Saver Co. has been a staple in the Fremantle community. We offer a number of services to ensure that we provide the best experience for you.

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For manufacturers and importers

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Do you have any warehouse stock, discontinued furniture or ex-displayed items? Do you have any factory second items? As finding a place to store furniture is difficult and costly, why not sell them to us?

Since we have a long history for more than 25 years in Perth, we have large amount of returning customers and enjoy a high reputation. We offer products that are not only brand new, but we also specialise in ex-display furniture. Besides selling furniture and purchasing used items, we also provide trade-in service. All these makes our shop unique.

We are always on the lookout for high quality household items and will give you the most reasonable price for you.

We are now cooperating with the following well-known manufactures and importers.



